Sunday, October 26, 2014


After doing some research, I even learned that Post (the cereal brand) may very well have to pay royalties to Time Warner Bros. for the use of the pictures of the Flinstone characters on the box of Fruity Pebbles. I'M not sure what Logo or anything I could of someone else's to help my product along. Hopefully they would see something of mine and decide to use it, having to pay royalties to me! Lol

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I don't have much to talk about this time.
I only can post a quote that constantly rings in the back of my mind since the moment I read it.

It says: "There's no shortage of remarkable ideas, what's missing is the will to execute them". - Seth Godin

I believe this is the case with every business venture. Some things that we plan or downright genius thoughts, but sometimes we can cause fear to grip the pursuit of our execution.

I hope to always execute any idea! There's no such thing as a bad one.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


This morning I watched a telecast on TBN. The man that was speaking was very business savvy, and was stating how hard it would be to start a business at this time. It just about discouraged me somewhat. He was talking about how hard it would be to start to make revenue. He spit out some numbers that I can't exactly remember at this time.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Customer Service

I've really learned how important customer service is, just from the job that I work now in the hospital. I'm learning a lot there that I can use for future reference in pursuit of business owning. Lately, with me just being cordial and friendly to my patients, they have been bragging to others on my "services" or "product", if you will. They are recommending my care, simply because of my excellent customer service. I have really noticed that. I think that this learning here and now is very beneficial and will be beneficial later in the years. It's important that I understand that no matter how good the product may be, if I don't have great customer service, people probably won't use or recommend my product.